I have to agree with the reviewer who said this film will appeal to a very narrow audience. If you are a philosophy major or just a major black-clad espresso drinker, you'll probably resent the movie for "dumbing down" existentialism. If you're a regular person looking for a regular comedy to enjoy, please, trust me, skip this film. But if you're philosophically curious, acquainted with Camus, and like a little vertigo with your comedy, run, do not walk, and pick up this film. For that narrow group, and by no means are they an elite, this is the ultimate feel-good film.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
Wow. I left the theater at a loss for words. What the heck?What I saw was one of the best movies this year. I don't even know where to begin in describing it. I laughed a lot at all the subtle humor and timing, and placement. The acting by the entire cast is spectacular.This movie is not for all and probably only for a very small group of people because the elitist snobs will bash it for simplifying and "hollywood-izing" the philosophy too much, and the average joe will complain that its too weird and boring to understand.The thing is with this movie, you will either get it or not. Simple as that. I definitely "got" it, and I'm grateful I did because it was an amazing trip.
'Sentiment: Neutral 😑'
This film is about a man wanting to find out the meaning of coincidences in life, and hires two private detectives to help him find the truth. In the process, he meets a lot of different people who are also lost and want to find out the ultimate truth.This is one crazy crackhead film. I can't help but think that the screenwriters were high when they wrote the film. The dialog is absurd and incoherent. The pseudophilosophy in the film is laughable. They talk about interconnectedness by representing the whole of the universe on a piece of cloth. Haha.However, I have to applaud Naomi Watts for her brief but outstanding performance. Jude Law is also good especially in his final scenes when he turned rather emotional.This film may be funny to others, but not to me.